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During the 1940s and 1950s the transport infrastructure in Southern Africa underwent considerable development. Whilst in 1935 most Malawians walked to South Africa, within 20 years Malawians were being flown down to the Rand at the expense of the mines. Existing railway networks, increasingly used to transport migrants, were complemented by bus services that took migrants from their home to their place of work.



Migration across of Southern Africa was monitored by every colonial state. The official stock of Malawians abroad however has only ever been given by figures which were biased by the conflicting interests of various committees over the politics of loabour quotas and self-confessedly inaccurate. The 1935 Travers-Lacey Committee kick-started heightened interest in Malawian migration after it stated 120,000 migrants were abroad and claimined “uncontrolled migration brought misery and poverty to hundreds and thousands of families...” J.A. Calder of the Colonial Office however saw the Travers-Lacey Report as “sensational and unbalanced...whether the Committee’s remedies are the right ones is very doubtful.” A second report published in 1936 put the total number of migrants abroad at a more conservative 90,087. In 1950, officials noted “full reliance cannot be placed upon emigration figures since many leave the Colony without reporting; either to avoid tax or to enter the Union clandestinely.”


Whilst plantation owners, missionaries and many chiefs looked to control the 'evils of  emigration', looking to keep wages low and protect an ideal of the Nyasa family, colonial officials had eyes on the tax returns from migrants and had encouragement from the British Colonial Office which wanted a buoyant, labour-abundant South African economy to send British exports to. The Governor was personally pressured by a number of influential figures such as John Martin, a director of the Bank of England, who was the Director of General Mining Investment Ltd and sat on the boards of numerous Rand mines. The Nyasaland Government allowed labour recruitment by Wenela from 1937, but Wenela's quotas were disputed throughout the 1940s and 1950s, in the context of wartime recruitment and concern over the level of clandestine migration, not least by Mr Huggins of the Rhodesian Native Labour Supply Commission - known within Malawi as Mthandizi.



Even as European-run transport services and the colonial state expanded, independent migrations also increased. Government officials complained in 1941 that "many thousands of Nyasaland natives accustomed to work abroad have established their own connections, and partly to the known tenacity of the African in retaining his freedom even at the cost of some inconvenience to himself."


Official quotas for Malawians to work in South Africa were limited to those based on the federated mines of the Witwatersrand, but there were consistently far greater numbers in South Africa who travelled to South Africa independently and worked on the farms of the Transvaal and in the country's burgeoning cities. The statistics from the Malawian census of 1966 stating 139,000 Malawians were in Zimbabawe and 68,000 resided in South Africa are perhaps more representative of the numbers abroad, but probably still fall short of the actual figures.



Annual Reports of the Nyasaland Labour Department, for the Years ending 31st December 1939 to 31st December 1960, The Government Printer, (Zomba, 1940-1961).


Report of the Committee appointed by His Excellency the Governor to Enquire into Emigrant Labour, 1935, Nyasaland Protectorate, (Zomba, 1935).


Boeder, Malawians Abroad, The History of Emigration from Malawi to its Neighbours, 1890 to the Present, PhD Thesis, (Michigan, 1974).


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