"Travel documents being issued by Labour clerks to persons wishing to seek employment opportunities abroad." From Annual Report of the Labour Department, for the Year ending 31st December 1959, The Government Printer, Zomba, Nyasaland, (1960).
Attempts by government to control emigration centred on the issuing of identity certificates from the late 1930s. These were issued at the level of the district - with Chiefs cooperating with the colonial state to limit the extent of independent migration and the numbers of machona - lost ones.
Potential migrants were supposed to gain permission from their chiefs, pay all outstanding taxes and ensure that any family would be provided for in their absence, before being issued with a pass. For those emigrating through Wenela or Mthandizi, a proportion of their pay abroad would then be paid directly to the family and a further amount would be deffered until their return to the district - tying migrants to their local areas. Women were supposed to remain in Malawi, rooting their partners to their district and the Protectorate whilst they were abroad.
The success of the scheme though had considerable limitations. In 1941 officials reflected that "it is difficult to see how this pass scheme can ever work effectively...due to the fact that many thousands of Nyasalanders accustomed to work abroad have established their own connections, and partly to the known tenacity of the African in retaining his freedom even at the cost of some inconvenience to himself".
"A Labour messenger delivers a calling slip to a villager to tell her that money sent by her husband from Southern Rhodesia has arrived at the District Labour Office." From Annual Report of the Labour Department, for the Year ending 31st December 1959, The Government Printer, Zomba, Nyasaland, (1960).
"She goes to the District Labour Office and waits with other women to recieve her family remittance. The apply here for travel permits to leave the country, or to bring complaints." From Annual Report of the Labour Department, for the Year ending 31st December 1959, The Government Printer, Zomba, Nyasaland, (1960).
Annual Reports of the Nyasaland Labour Department, for the Years ending 31st December 1939 to 31st December 1960, The Government Printer, (Zomba, 1940-1961).
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